Thursday, 13 March 2025

Summative Assessment-II (SA-II) exams schedule for classes I to IX in Telangana

Summative Assessment-II (SA-II) exams Time Table for classes I to IX in Telangana

Summative Assessment II | SA-II Time Table | SA-II Schedule in Telangana | Telangana Summative Assessment-II Time Table. /2019/03/summative-assesment-II-sa-II-exams-schedule-for-classes-I-to-IX-in-Telangana.html
All the DEOs & RJDSEs and HMs in the state are informed that as per the Academic Calendar communicated already, the summative assessment (SA-1) is scheduled from 09-04-2025 to 17-04-2025 for the classes 1st to 9th in Telangana
Revised Summative Assesment-II (SA-II) exams schedule for classes I to IX in Telangana for the academic year 2018-19

In this regard, time table is being comunicated with instructions for conduct of summative assessment (SA-1) and valuation of answer scripts.


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) --

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) First Language (Telugu/Urdu)

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) First Language (Telugu/Urdu)

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) First Language (Telugu/Urdu)

Class IX (9am to 12 Noon) First Language (Telugu/Urdu)


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) ---

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) Second Language (Hindi/Telugu)

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) Second Language (Hindi/Telugu)

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) Second Language (Hindi/Telugu)

Class IX (9am to 12 Noon) Second Language (Hindi/Telugu)


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) First Language(Telugu/urdu)

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) Third Language (English)

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) Third Language (English)

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) Third Language (English)

Class IX (9am to 12 Noon) Third Language (English)


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) English

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) Social Studies

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) Social Studies

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) Mathematics

Class IX (9am to 12 Noon) Mathematics


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) Mathematics

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) General Science

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) General Science

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) Physical Science

Class IX (9am to 10:30am) General Science Paper-1


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) EVS

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) Mathematics

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) Mathematics

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) Biological Science

Class IX (9am to 10:30am) Biological Science Paper-2


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) Nil

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) Nil

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) Nil

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) Social Studies

Class IX (9am to 12 Noon) Social Studies

Therefore the DEOs are informed to give necessary instructions to all the schools in their jurisdiction on conduct of summative assessment (SA-II), valuation of answer scripts and issue of cumulative records which shall be completed properly.

Schedule for valuation of Answer Scripts:
23-04-2025: Answer scripts to children, parents and declaring results
23-04-2025: Records results and parents meeting
23-04-2025: Resubmitting of Cumulative Records by students after parents signature
The DEOs are also informed to instruct the DCEB secretaries to prepare and finalize including moderation of question papers at their level duly conducting the work shops by involving expert teachers of concerned district and complete this process within the time schedule.
Download the Time Table

Download SA-II Time Table Here

Summative Assessment-II (SA-II) exams Time Table for classes I to IX in Telangana

Summative Assessment II | SA-II Time Table | SA-II Schedule in Telangana | Telangana Summative Assessment-II Time Table. /2019/03/summative-assesment-II-sa-II-exams-schedule-for-classes-I-to-IX-in-Telangana.html
All the DEOs & RJDSEs and HMs in the state are informed that as per the Academic Calendar communicated already, the summative assessment (SA-1) is scheduled from 09-04-2025 to 17-04-2025 for the classes 1st to 9th in Telangana
Revised Summative Assesment-II (SA-II) exams schedule for classes I to IX in Telangana for the academic year 2018-19

In this regard, time table is being comunicated with instructions for conduct of summative assessment (SA-1) and valuation of answer scripts.


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) --

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) First Language (Telugu/Urdu)

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) First Language (Telugu/Urdu)

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) First Language (Telugu/Urdu)

Class IX (9am to 12 Noon) First Language (Telugu/Urdu)


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) ---

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) Second Language (Hindi/Telugu)

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) Second Language (Hindi/Telugu)

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) Second Language (Hindi/Telugu)

Class IX (9am to 12 Noon) Second Language (Hindi/Telugu)


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) First Language(Telugu/urdu)

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) Third Language (English)

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) Third Language (English)

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) Third Language (English)

Class IX (9am to 12 Noon) Third Language (English)


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) English

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) Social Studies

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) Social Studies

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) Mathematics

Class IX (9am to 12 Noon) Mathematics


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) Mathematics

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) General Science

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) General Science

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) Physical Science

Class IX (9am to 10:30am) General Science Paper-1


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) EVS

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) Mathematics

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) Mathematics

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) Biological Science

Class IX (9am to 10:30am) Biological Science Paper-2


Classes I to V (9am to 11:30am) Nil

Class VI (9am to 11:30am) Nil

Class VII (9am to 11:30am) Nil

Class VIII (9am to 11:45am) Social Studies

Class IX (9am to 12 Noon) Social Studies

Therefore the DEOs are informed to give necessary instructions to all the schools in their jurisdiction on conduct of summative assessment (SA-II), valuation of answer scripts and issue of cumulative records which shall be completed properly.

Schedule for valuation of Answer Scripts:
23-04-2025: Answer scripts to children, parents and declaring results
23-04-2025: Records results and parents meeting
23-04-2025: Resubmitting of Cumulative Records by students after parents signature
The DEOs are also informed to instruct the DCEB secretaries to prepare and finalize including moderation of question papers at their level duly conducting the work shops by involving expert teachers of concerned district and complete this process within the time schedule.
Download the Time Table

Download SA-II Time Table Here

Half Day Schools Time Table

Half Day Schools Time Table

Half Day Schools, Summer Half Day Schools, Schools working Half Day in March month, Half Day Schools working during the summer, Half Day Schools working during the March and April Months, Half Day Schools due to high Temperature, Half Day Schools, half-day-schools-time-table.html
The Education Departments of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana will announce Half Day Schools during the March and April months due to the increase in Temperature. Generally Half Day Schools will start from 15th of March month every year. A Special Proceedings from the Education Department will be communicated to all the DEOs, HMs in each district to run the Half Day Schools in both states. Head Master will implement a special time table during the Half Day Schools. 
For the convenience of the HMs here a suitable time table is provided to implement in schools as previously directed by the DSE, TS, Hyderabad. 
Half Day Schools Time Table
Half day school Timing

Head Masters can follow the time table given here during the Half Day Schools
Half Day Schools Time Table

Half Day Schools Time Table

Half Day Schools, Summer Half Day Schools, Schools working Half Day in March month, Half Day Schools working during the summer, Half Day Schools working during the March and April Months, Half Day Schools due to high Temperature, Half Day Schools, half-day-schools-time-table.html
The Education Departments of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana will announce Half Day Schools during the March and April months due to the increase in Temperature. Generally Half Day Schools will start from 15th of March month every year. A Special Proceedings from the Education Department will be communicated to all the DEOs, HMs in each district to run the Half Day Schools in both states. Head Master will implement a special time table during the Half Day Schools. 
For the convenience of the HMs here a suitable time table is provided to implement in schools as previously directed by the DSE, TS, Hyderabad. 
Half Day Schools Time Table
Half day school Timing

Head Masters can follow the time table given here during the Half Day Schools
Half Day Schools Time Table

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

How to fill the OMR sheet in SSC Examinations

How to fill the OMR sheet in SSC Examinations

Student should fill the OMR sheet before starting the examination daily

OMR is started from the Year 2012

OMR sheet should not be folded.

OMR sheet should be Handled with care

After receiving OMR sheet from the invigilator, student should check the correctness of Name, Hall Ticket Number, Exam Date, Exam Subject Name, Exam Center Name.

Enter the last 3 digits of answer sheet number at the top of the OMR sheet in the given 3 boxes.

Enter the exam room number in the appropriate boxes.

Put signature in the signature column on OMR sheet

After completing the examination put the number of additional sheets on the given boxes

While writing the examination, attendance sheet will be supplied to the students. Students should put a signature in the attendance sheet


How to fill the OMR sheet in SSC Examinations

Video on How to fill the OMR sheet in SSC Examinations 

Uses of the OMR sheet

OMR Avoid tampering of answer sheets

OMR Avoids the entering of Hall ticket number. Hall Ticket number will be pre-printed on the OMR sheet.

Hence, student will not be allowed to write their hall ticket number anywhere in the answer booklet.

OMR avoids the wrong entry of the Hall Ticket Number.


Paper evaluation staff cannot identify whose answer sheet is going to be evaluated by them



How to fill the OMR sheet in SSC Examinations

Student should fill the OMR sheet before starting the examination daily

OMR is started from the Year 2012

OMR sheet should not be folded.

OMR sheet should be Handled with care

After receiving OMR sheet from the invigilator, student should check the correctness of Name, Hall Ticket Number, Exam Date, Exam Subject Name, Exam Center Name.

Enter the last 3 digits of answer sheet number at the top of the OMR sheet in the given 3 boxes.

Enter the exam room number in the appropriate boxes.

Put signature in the signature column on OMR sheet

After completing the examination put the number of additional sheets on the given boxes

While writing the examination, attendance sheet will be supplied to the students. Students should put a signature in the attendance sheet


How to fill the OMR sheet in SSC Examinations

Video on How to fill the OMR sheet in SSC Examinations 

Uses of the OMR sheet

OMR Avoid tampering of answer sheets

OMR Avoids the entering of Hall ticket number. Hall Ticket number will be pre-printed on the OMR sheet.

Hence, student will not be allowed to write their hall ticket number anywhere in the answer booklet.

OMR avoids the wrong entry of the Hall Ticket Number.


Paper evaluation staff cannot identify whose answer sheet is going to be evaluated by them



Instructions to SSC Invigilators

Instructions to SSC Invigilators

No invigilators should bring cell phones to the examination center.

Invigilators should be at the center by 8:30 am on the day of the examination.

Girls should be checked by female teachers

Invigilators will be allotted rooms through lottery

All invigilators should go to the hall allotted to them by 9 am

Before entering the exam center, they should wear their identity cards

Students should ensure that there are no other papers with them

While giving the OMR sheets, their names should be read out loud to the students.

Check whether there is serial number on the Main Answer Sheets

Also, check whether there are numbers on the main sheet and whether it is in the serial

You should confirm and sign only after the students have signed the OMR. Invigilator should sign the main answer sheet

The stickers should be applied and signed by 9:25 am

Before signing, their hall tickets should be checked.

The Main Answer Sheet number should be written on the OMR sheet, bit paper, graph

Invigilator should not allow the students to write the hall ticket number anywhere,

Hall Ticket number should be written on question paper.

Students should be made sure that there are no electronic devices, calculators, cell phones

 The invigilator should sign on the Part-B, map, graph

After completing the exam, the students should write THE END on the last page and the invigilator should sign

Do not send students out repeatedly, if they can be sent to the toilet, keep them under observation.

Students should not be sent out until the exam is over.

After the exam time is over, collect the answer sheets from all the students, check the numbers once and send all the students out at once

Instructions to SSC Invigilators

A 24-page answer booklet should be provided to the students daily.

But 12-page booklets should be given for Physical Science and Biological Science.

While tagging the answer papers, the students should be told to tag the bit paper last. Some students mistakenly tag the question paper instead of Part-B and take the bit paper home, which is a danger and should be noted.

After collecting the answer sheets from the students, they should be placed in a row.

Answer sheets should be given only to the concerned persons

The answer sheets should be bundled and packed

Other persons should not be allowed to enter the exam hall

The invigilator should not change exam halls

If there is any need to go out, he should wear a reliever

The invigilator should not have a Mobile phone

Since the invigilator is the main one at the ground level, the center will be good if the exam can be conducted satisfactorily

The main answer booklet should be serialized

Are the question papers related to the same day? Or not? Check the subject denomination, medium, and code

If you get a wrong question paper, return it to the CS or DO

The invigilator should not change the seating arrangement

If students from the same school come late consecutively, the CS/DO should be informed

The students should sign the photo attendance sheet and then the invigilator should sign each page

If you notice any students writing the exam instead of each other, you should inform the CS and DO. Very Important

Make sure that there are no loose knots while tying the threads

If any student does not tag the things that are to be tied to the main answer booklet, a return report should be given to the CS

In case of malpractice, the invigilator will have to provide the details asked for

Students should tag ten minutes before the end of the exam

The bar code on the OMR should not be disturbed

In case of absent students, the OMR should be cancelled with red ink and the bar code should not be disturbed

Invigilators should strike the white space or the remaining pages of the main answer booklet

Before taking the answer sheets, check whether all the details are written in parts 1 and 2 of the OMR or not

Answer sheets should not be interchanged. Malpractice is applicable in these situations

Invigilators should fully sign the main answer booklet, graph, map, part -B

Instructions to SSC Invigilators

No invigilators should bring cell phones to the examination center.

Invigilators should be at the center by 8:30 am on the day of the examination.

Girls should be checked by female teachers

Invigilators will be allotted rooms through lottery

All invigilators should go to the hall allotted to them by 9 am

Before entering the exam center, they should wear their identity cards

Students should ensure that there are no other papers with them

While giving the OMR sheets, their names should be read out loud to the students.

Check whether there is serial number on the Main Answer Sheets

Also, check whether there are numbers on the main sheet and whether it is in the serial

You should confirm and sign only after the students have signed the OMR. Invigilator should sign the main answer sheet

The stickers should be applied and signed by 9:25 am

Before signing, their hall tickets should be checked.

The Main Answer Sheet number should be written on the OMR sheet, bit paper, graph

Invigilator should not allow the students to write the hall ticket number anywhere,

Hall Ticket number should be written on question paper.

Students should be made sure that there are no electronic devices, calculators, cell phones

 The invigilator should sign on the Part-B, map, graph

After completing the exam, the students should write THE END on the last page and the invigilator should sign

Do not send students out repeatedly, if they can be sent to the toilet, keep them under observation.

Students should not be sent out until the exam is over.

After the exam time is over, collect the answer sheets from all the students, check the numbers once and send all the students out at once

Instructions to SSC Invigilators

A 24-page answer booklet should be provided to the students daily.

But 12-page booklets should be given for Physical Science and Biological Science.

While tagging the answer papers, the students should be told to tag the bit paper last. Some students mistakenly tag the question paper instead of Part-B and take the bit paper home, which is a danger and should be noted.

After collecting the answer sheets from the students, they should be placed in a row.

Answer sheets should be given only to the concerned persons

The answer sheets should be bundled and packed

Other persons should not be allowed to enter the exam hall

The invigilator should not change exam halls

If there is any need to go out, he should wear a reliever

The invigilator should not have a Mobile phone

Since the invigilator is the main one at the ground level, the center will be good if the exam can be conducted satisfactorily

The main answer booklet should be serialized

Are the question papers related to the same day? Or not? Check the subject denomination, medium, and code

If you get a wrong question paper, return it to the CS or DO

The invigilator should not change the seating arrangement

If students from the same school come late consecutively, the CS/DO should be informed

The students should sign the photo attendance sheet and then the invigilator should sign each page

If you notice any students writing the exam instead of each other, you should inform the CS and DO. Very Important

Make sure that there are no loose knots while tying the threads

If any student does not tag the things that are to be tied to the main answer booklet, a return report should be given to the CS

In case of malpractice, the invigilator will have to provide the details asked for

Students should tag ten minutes before the end of the exam

The bar code on the OMR should not be disturbed

In case of absent students, the OMR should be cancelled with red ink and the bar code should not be disturbed

Invigilators should strike the white space or the remaining pages of the main answer booklet

Before taking the answer sheets, check whether all the details are written in parts 1 and 2 of the OMR or not

Answer sheets should not be interchanged. Malpractice is applicable in these situations

Invigilators should fully sign the main answer booklet, graph, map, part -B

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Download TG TET Results (Telangana Teachers Eligibility Test Results)

TG TET Results (Telangana Teachers Eligibility Test Results)

TG TET Results are going to be released on 5th February 2025. To this extent the authorities have completed the arrangements. Two days ago, the Education Minister made an announcement regarding the release of the Test TG TET results.

The Telangana Education Minister will release the results of TG TET on 5th February 2025.

The TG TET exam was conducted from 02-01-2025 to 20-01-2025 in online mode. It consists of two papers. Paper-1 and Paper-2.

Separate qualifications for writing Paper-1 and Paper-2 are mentioned in the notification. Candidates writing the TG TET have written the paper test on what they are entitled to in accordance with this notification.

Qualifications to Appear TG TET Paper-I (CLASSES I TO V)

Intermediate / Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks. However in case of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%. AND pass in 2 - year Diploma in Elementary Education / 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) / 2 - year Diploma in Education (Special Education). OR

Intermediate / Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks. In respect of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 40%. AND pass in 2 - year Diploma in Elementary Education / 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) / 2 - year Diploma in Education (Special Education) in case of the candidates who have passed or admitted to D.El.Ed / D.Ed., course prior to issue of these guidelines ( 23-12-2015).

Qualifications to Appear TG TET paper - 2 (Classes VI to VIII):

B.A./B.Sc./B.Com., with at least 50% marks. In case of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%. AND pass in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) course / Bachelor of Education (B.Ed -Special Education). OR

B.A./B.Sc./B.Com., with at least 50% marks. In respect of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 40%. AND pass in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) course / Bachelor of Education (B.Ed -Special Education) in case of the candidates who have passed or admitted to B.Ed., course prior to issue of these guidelines (23-12-2015). OR

4-year B.A.Ed/B.Sc.Ed., with at least 50% marks, in case of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45% OR

Graduation with language concerned as one of the optional subjects OR Bachelor of oriental language (or its equivalent) OR Graduation in literature OR Post Graduation in language concerned AND Language Pandit Training Certificate/B.Ed with language concerned as one of the Methodologies, in respect of Language Teachers.

TG TET Schedule and Time Line:

Date of Release of Notification : 07th November 2024

Online Submission of TG TET Applications started from 07th November 2024

Dates of TG TET Examination from 02-01-2025 to 20-01-2025 in online mode

Date of Announcement of Results of TG TET 5th February 2025

Download TG TET Results Here

TG TET Results

Title of the Post: Download TG TET Results (Teachers Eligibility Test)

Category: Teachers Eligibility Test for recruitment as teacher 

Organization: School Education Department of Telangana

Full Form of TG TET: Telangana State Teachers Eligibility Test TG TET

Eligibility for TG TET: DEd, BEd Language Pandit Training Course

Qualifying Marks for TG TET:  for OC 60%, for BCs 50% and for SC STs 40%.

Official Website for TG TET:

Caste wise Qualifying Marks to get Qualified in TG TET:

1) General 60% and above

2) BC 50% and above

3) SC, ST, Differently Abled PHC 40% and above

TG TET Results

TG TET Results announced on 5th February 2025. The candidates may download TG TET Results from the below given web links

Download TG TET Results Here

TG TET Results (Telangana Teachers Eligibility Test Results)

TG TET Results are going to be released on 5th February 2025. To this extent the authorities have completed the arrangements. Two days ago, the Education Minister made an announcement regarding the release of the Test TG TET results.

The Telangana Education Minister will release the results of TG TET on 5th February 2025.

The TG TET exam was conducted from 02-01-2025 to 20-01-2025 in online mode. It consists of two papers. Paper-1 and Paper-2.

Separate qualifications for writing Paper-1 and Paper-2 are mentioned in the notification. Candidates writing the TG TET have written the paper test on what they are entitled to in accordance with this notification.

Qualifications to Appear TG TET Paper-I (CLASSES I TO V)

Intermediate / Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks. However in case of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%. AND pass in 2 - year Diploma in Elementary Education / 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) / 2 - year Diploma in Education (Special Education). OR

Intermediate / Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks. In respect of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 40%. AND pass in 2 - year Diploma in Elementary Education / 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) / 2 - year Diploma in Education (Special Education) in case of the candidates who have passed or admitted to D.El.Ed / D.Ed., course prior to issue of these guidelines ( 23-12-2015).

Qualifications to Appear TG TET paper - 2 (Classes VI to VIII):

B.A./B.Sc./B.Com., with at least 50% marks. In case of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45%. AND pass in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) course / Bachelor of Education (B.Ed -Special Education). OR

B.A./B.Sc./B.Com., with at least 50% marks. In respect of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 40%. AND pass in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) course / Bachelor of Education (B.Ed -Special Education) in case of the candidates who have passed or admitted to B.Ed., course prior to issue of these guidelines (23-12-2015). OR

4-year B.A.Ed/B.Sc.Ed., with at least 50% marks, in case of SC/ST/BC/Differently abled candidates, the minimum marks shall be 45% OR

Graduation with language concerned as one of the optional subjects OR Bachelor of oriental language (or its equivalent) OR Graduation in literature OR Post Graduation in language concerned AND Language Pandit Training Certificate/B.Ed with language concerned as one of the Methodologies, in respect of Language Teachers.

TG TET Schedule and Time Line:

Date of Release of Notification : 07th November 2024

Online Submission of TG TET Applications started from 07th November 2024

Dates of TG TET Examination from 02-01-2025 to 20-01-2025 in online mode

Date of Announcement of Results of TG TET 5th February 2025

Download TG TET Results Here

TG TET Results

Title of the Post: Download TG TET Results (Teachers Eligibility Test)

Category: Teachers Eligibility Test for recruitment as teacher 

Organization: School Education Department of Telangana

Full Form of TG TET: Telangana State Teachers Eligibility Test TG TET

Eligibility for TG TET: DEd, BEd Language Pandit Training Course

Qualifying Marks for TG TET:  for OC 60%, for BCs 50% and for SC STs 40%.

Official Website for TG TET:

Caste wise Qualifying Marks to get Qualified in TG TET:

1) General 60% and above

2) BC 50% and above

3) SC, ST, Differently Abled PHC 40% and above

TG TET Results

TG TET Results announced on 5th February 2025. The candidates may download TG TET Results from the below given web links

Download TG TET Results Here

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Admissions in Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS)

Admissions in Eklavya Model Residential Schools

Notification has been released for admission in to 6th class in Telangana Eklavya Model Residential Schools for the academic year 2025-26.

As part of this, students belonging to minority castes will have the opportunity to join from 6th class . This will be completely in residential mode.

EMRS Admissions

Important Dates for admission in EMRS

Online Application Starts from 17-01-2025

Online Application Ends on 16-02-2025

Date of Entrance Test 16-03-2025

announcement of Results 31-03-2025

Admissions Phase-1 from 15-04-2025

List of EMRS schools in Telangana

What is the Age Limit for admission 5th in EMRS

Student must have born between 31-03-2012 and 31-03-2015

What is the EMRS Entrance Test Fees

Entrance Test Fee is Rs 100

Whats is the family annual income to get admission in EMRS

Family income of the student who seeks admission in EMRS should be as follows

in Rural area the annual income of the family shall not exceed  1.5 Lakhs

in Urban area the annual income of the family shall not exceed  2 Lakhs

What is the EMRS Entrance Test Pattern

Mental Ability: 50 Questions 50 Marks

Arithematic Ability: 25 Questions 25 Marks

Language (English and Telugu: 25 Questions 25 Marks

Total 100 Questions 100 Marks

Online Apply Here

Admissions in Eklavya Model Residential Schools

Notification has been released for admission in to 6th class in Telangana Eklavya Model Residential Schools for the academic year 2025-26.

As part of this, students belonging to minority castes will have the opportunity to join from 6th class . This will be completely in residential mode.

EMRS Admissions

Important Dates for admission in EMRS

Online Application Starts from 17-01-2025

Online Application Ends on 16-02-2025

Date of Entrance Test 16-03-2025

announcement of Results 31-03-2025

Admissions Phase-1 from 15-04-2025

List of EMRS schools in Telangana

What is the Age Limit for admission 5th in EMRS

Student must have born between 31-03-2012 and 31-03-2015

What is the EMRS Entrance Test Fees

Entrance Test Fee is Rs 100

Whats is the family annual income to get admission in EMRS

Family income of the student who seeks admission in EMRS should be as follows

in Rural area the annual income of the family shall not exceed  1.5 Lakhs

in Urban area the annual income of the family shall not exceed  2 Lakhs

What is the EMRS Entrance Test Pattern

Mental Ability: 50 Questions 50 Marks

Arithematic Ability: 25 Questions 25 Marks

Language (English and Telugu: 25 Questions 25 Marks

Total 100 Questions 100 Marks

Online Apply Here

Admission in TMREIS Telangana Minority Residential Schools and Colleges

Admission in TMREIS Telangana Minority Residential School and Colleges

Notification has been released for admission in Telangana Minority Residential Educational Institutes for the academic year 2025-26.

As part of this, students belonging to minority castes will have the opportunity to join from class 5 to class 8. This will be completely in residential mode.

Important Dates for admission in TMREIS

Online Application Starts from 18-01-2025 (Saturday)

Online Application Ends on 28-02-2025 (Friday)

Admission in TMREIS

Nativity of candidate should be as follows:

Resident of the Erstwhile district of Telangana State where the student is seeking admission

What is the Eligibility for admission in TMREIS:

students should be studying in any government/government recognized private school during the academic year 2023-24.

What is the Age Limit for admission 5th to 8th classes in TMREIS

Class 5: Student must have born between 01-09-2013 and 31-08-2016

Class 6: Student must have born between 01-09-2012 and 31-08-2015

Class 7: Student must have born between 01-09-2011 and 31-08-2014

Class 8: Student must have born between 01-09-20010 and 31-08-2013

Whats is the family annual income to get admission in TMREIS:

Family income of the student who seeks admission in TMREIS should be as follows

in Rural area the annual income of the family shall not exceed  1.5 Lakhs

Urban in Rural area the annual income of the family shall not exceed  2 Lakhs

Whats is the Eligibility for Intermediate admissions in TMREIS

Candidate must be appearing SSC/10th class from Board of Secondary Education. But at the time of admission process the candidate must have passed the SSC/10th class with minimum of 6.0 GPA

Whats is the Age limit for Intermediate admissions in TMREIS

The age of the candidate shall not exceed 18 years as on 31-08-2025

Start Applying Online Here

Admission in TMREIS Telangana Minority Residential School and Colleges

Notification has been released for admission in Telangana Minority Residential Educational Institutes for the academic year 2025-26.

As part of this, students belonging to minority castes will have the opportunity to join from class 5 to class 8. This will be completely in residential mode.

Important Dates for admission in TMREIS

Online Application Starts from 18-01-2025 (Saturday)

Online Application Ends on 28-02-2025 (Friday)

Admission in TMREIS

Nativity of candidate should be as follows:

Resident of the Erstwhile district of Telangana State where the student is seeking admission

What is the Eligibility for admission in TMREIS:

students should be studying in any government/government recognized private school during the academic year 2023-24.

What is the Age Limit for admission 5th to 8th classes in TMREIS

Class 5: Student must have born between 01-09-2013 and 31-08-2016

Class 6: Student must have born between 01-09-2012 and 31-08-2015

Class 7: Student must have born between 01-09-2011 and 31-08-2014

Class 8: Student must have born between 01-09-20010 and 31-08-2013

Whats is the family annual income to get admission in TMREIS:

Family income of the student who seeks admission in TMREIS should be as follows

in Rural area the annual income of the family shall not exceed  1.5 Lakhs

Urban in Rural area the annual income of the family shall not exceed  2 Lakhs

Whats is the Eligibility for Intermediate admissions in TMREIS

Candidate must be appearing SSC/10th class from Board of Secondary Education. But at the time of admission process the candidate must have passed the SSC/10th class with minimum of 6.0 GPA

Whats is the Age limit for Intermediate admissions in TMREIS

The age of the candidate shall not exceed 18 years as on 31-08-2025

Start Applying Online Here

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