In the reference first cited, it was clarified that the
stagnation increments shall be treated as regular increments for all purposes
such as fixation of pay on promotion, Automatic Advancement Scheme, Pension
2. In the Circular Memo second cited, it was further
clarified that with the sanction of stagnation increments, the pay in the
revised scales shall be fixed at the next stage by adding the stagnation
increments to the maximum of the scale and if the aggregate is more than the
elongated scale even after allowing three stagnation increments, then the
difference will be treated as ‘Personal Pay’ to be absorbed in future increase
of the pay.
3. In the reference third cited orders were issued
revising the pay scale of State Government employees to be implemented
notionally with effect from 01-07-2013, with monetary benefit from 02-06-2014
and the benefits of the Revised Pay Scales of Pay, 2015 would be paid in cash
starting from the salary for the month of April, 2015.
4. In the reference fourth cited an amendment was issued
to the Government Order third cited that in the event of stagnation five
increments shall be allowed beyond the time scale in the Revised Pay Scales of
Pay 2015. The stagnation increments shall be treated as regular increments for
all purposes such as fixation of pay on promotion, Automatic Advancement
Scheme, Pension etc.
5. In the reference fifth cited, Director of Treasury and
Accounts, Hyderabad has requested the Government to clarify as to whether the
stagnation increments elongate the scale wherever required.
6. The principle raised by the
Director of Treasury and Accounts in her letter fifth cited was already covered
in the Circular Memo second cited with the only variation that five stagnation
increments are allowed in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015.
7. It is, therefore, hereby clarified that while fixing
the Pay in Revised Pay Scales, 2015 in case the aggregate of emoluments and the
fitment worked out as per Rule 6(a) read with Rule 2(2) of the A.P. Revised
Scales of Pay Rules, 2015 is more than the maximum of the scale of pay as per
sub-rule (4) of Rule 2 of the above said rule, the pay in the revised scale
shall be fixed at the next stage by adding the stagnation increments to the
maximum of the scale mentioned in rule sub rule (4) of rule 2. If the aggregate
of the existing emoluments and the fitment benefit mentioned above is more than
the elongated scale even after allowing five stagnation increments, then the
difference shall be treated as ‘Personal Pay’ to be absorbed in future
increases of pay.
8. The Director of Treasuries and
Accounts, Pay and Accounts Officer., A.P. Hyderabad and the Director of Works
and Accounts are requested to follow the above guidelines scrupulously.
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