- Under rule 2e – Qualifying marks in internals and in each paper in summative examinations for non language subjects. Prescribing pass marks in the internal examinations and in each paper of non language subjects shall be dispensed with. However, 35% is the pass marks for all the subjects. The candidates must qualify in the written examination and at least attain 28 marks out of 80 marks for theory paper to pass in every subject.
- Under rule 2m – Correcting the answer scripts and the facility of revaluation. Revaluation of scripts tends to be impracticable in view of the time and man power requirement and also in view of the nature of questions proposed in the G.O first read above. Hence, it is proposed to allow only recounting and re-verification
- Under rule 2d – Formulating Moderation Committees The formulation of moderation committees by the District Educational Officers for the verification of the marks and grades for internals is dispensed with. Instead the Headmasters/ Principals of the concerned schools shall verify the marks awarded by the teachers under 20% weightage to the work done by the students under FA with reference to the relevant records and certify that He/ She has verified the correctness of marks awarded to the students vis-à -vis the records maintained of the work done by the students. The Headmaster/ Principal shall enclose a certificate with the cosignature of the correspondent of the school, in case of private schools, to the list of students marks under internals and co-curricular activities and submit to Director of Government Examinations. Such records shall be preserved in the institution for verification of the authorities till the end of next academic year. It is found after subsequent verification that the internal marks awarded are not proper, the same shall be a cause for initiating action against the institution and the Headmaster/ Principal under relevant rules and for withdrawal of recognition of the institution.
- Under rule 2a, 2b and 2c – Number of papers for first language and English subjects The single paper for first language and English each is dispensed with. Instead, it is decided for two papers each for first language and English as in case of other non language subjects. Each paper for summative is for 40 marks and the examination duration is 2.30 hours in addition to 15 minutes for reading the question paper. In case of Hindi, it is single paper with 80 marks for summative exam. Further, 20 marks for Formative Assessment for all the subjects.
- Facility of appearing the SSC exam without school study. The existing facility of students appearing for SSC public examinations without regular school study needs to be dispensed with. Such students may appear for class X through other alternative systems like National or State open school systems and encourage students at school stage for regular schooling rather than appearing exams without school study
- Composite courses in language subjects i.e. [a] Telugu and Sanskrit (80+20marks) [b] Urdu and Hindi/ Arabic/ Persia [c] Marati and Hindi. As per G.O.Ms.No.86 Education (SE-C & TBP) Department, Dt.02-07-2003 a student is supposed to learn only three languages but in case of Composite Courses under regular scheme of SSC examinations the students are studying four languages. Three Language Formula is being followed in the State. Therefore, all the Composite Courses being in vogue may be dispensed with. As already stated by Director of Government Examinations, there are no teachers for Arabic and Persian languages and existing a few Sanskrit teachers can be instructed to teach Telugu
- Opting English as Second Language for the students admitting in our State from other States. If the students of other State and take admission in VI standard in any formal schools of Telangana, it should be made mandatory that they have to study 3 languages opting 09T (Telugu) as Second language. Further, in case of students of other States take admissions in the State whose Second Language is Hindi in the previous schools they may be continued with learning Hindi as Second Language in the newly admitted schools in Telangana. Therefore, subjects like, 11E and 09U can be discontinued. Those students who join in higher classes from VII onwards coming from other states with other than Telugu Medium study may be exempted from studying II language.
- OSSC scheme – At present OSSC students write Oriental Telugu/ Urdu (3T/ 3U) as First
Language for 80 marks and these marks raised to 100 and clarification on formative
evaluation for 200 marks oriental subjects.
i. Under the OSSC scheme of SSC examinations students be allowed to write First Language Telugu 01T, Urdu 01U etc. for 100 marks instead of 80 marks. The 100 marks will be for both summative and formative i.e. 80 marks for summative and 20 marks for formative evaluation.
ii. As per the OSSC scheme, there are three papers on oriental languages i.e. Sanskrit, Arabic and Persia for 200 marks each and examination is being conducted in two papers @100 marks per paper. Therefore, 100 marks per paper may be distributed across summative and formative evaluation i.e. 80 marks for summative and 20 marks for formative under each paper. - After careful examination of the matter, Government hereby agreed to the proposals of the Commissioner & Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad as mentioned at paras 2 & 3 above.
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