Monday, 6 June 2016

SANKALPAM Guidlines for monitorig of schools

SAMKALPAM Monitoring Guidelines for Readiness Programme to Observing officers:

SAMKALPAM Monitoring for Readiness Program/Monitoring Guidelines for Readiness Program to Monitoring officers. SAMKALPAM(A Monitoring Programme for Phade Bharat and Bhade Bharat- PBBB): Education is major component in calculating Human Development Index (HDI). In India, Education up to 14years is guaranteed and to carry out this constitutional assurance the Govt. of India legislated RTE Act and placed it in the fundamental rights. Now every child upto 14 years has the right to get education i.e., quality education. Yet the Govt schools where free education is offered, are able to cater these need of the students?. We the Department of School Education and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan feel it is right time to innovative and reform the primary education

To improve primary education. Total Primary Schools in all 13 districts Primary schools 34623, UPS: 5429, HS:6823.:

1. To monitor the summer camps for class for low performance children
2. To monitor the School readiness and class readiness programme in the Name of Padhe Bharat and Badhe Bharat (PBBB)
3. To give quality education to students as per changing times.
4. To improve the schools academically and infra structurally.
5. Preparation and Implementation of School Development plans.
6. Constructive educational structure from primary level.
7. Continuous monitoring on schools.<br />
8. To make compulsory parents meetings and SMC Meetings
9. To improve minimum levels of learning of all classes of all subjects. (LINDICS)
10. To improve moral and social values among students.
11. To improve activity based and student centered education.
12. To give priority to games and other co-curricular activities.
13. To give at most importance to library and to improve reading habits among students

Academic Guidance Register as suggested here under.
1. Each sectoral officer has visited to at least 3 schools in each district
2. Appreciation of the existing best practices in the school
3. Each school to strengthen the 3Rs system
4. To observe the establishment of Reading Corner, Writing Corner and Mathmatics corners
5. Observe the early literacy skills and early numeracy skills under PBBB
6. To observe the children talent tests, Reading Melas, Writing melas and Mathmatics Melas.

7. Observe the Scince and Maths Exhibistions Melas under the Implementation of RAA
8. Identification of gaps/deficiencies and remedial measures suggested.
9. Follow up action taken in the school on the observations previously recorded in Academic Guidance Register of the school.
10. Collaborative planning, Joint Strategies, Execution of tasks in collectively reflect cooperation and coordination between HM and teachers and between Monitoring Officers and teachers.
11. Professional guidance from Monitoring officers and HMs in lesson preparation, design and use of TLM, Teaching learning strategies, remedial instruction, and implementation of other innovative practices in schools should happen with mutual discussion and through collaboration. Demonstration, ling are the basic strategies for the Monitoring officers to introduce new ideas, new practices and to guide the teachers in the schools
  4 Cycles per month Suggestive Measures
  State Level All Stat Secotoral Officers Each officers covered at least 3 Schools
  District Level   All Sectoral Officers Each Sectoral Officer  visit 3 Schools     Identify School wise gaps
  Divisional Level   All DLMTs Each DLMT  visit  3 Schools
  Mandal Level   All MEOs Each MEO  visit  3 Schools
  School Complex Level   SC Chairman Each School Complex HM  visit Schools

For Head Masters:
1. Each School must display Class wise Subject wise Academic Standards in all Class Rooms including HMs room /Staff room. Effort should be made by the teachers to carry out the teaching learning process and assessment as per the Academic Guidelines and the inputs given in the teacher training Programmes.
2. HM should implement the CCE - Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, and guidelines should be displayed in the staffroom and or in HM room.
3. Ensuring Children to achieve learning competencies and attainment of expected outcomes.
4. HM should be aware of Check list of School, and it should be displayed in the staff
room/HM room.
5. Ensure vibrant and active participation of parents and community in School matters.
6. All Innovative activities and school activities (School as Weather Station, soak pit, compost pit, green school, plastic free zone, wall magazine, honesty box, children diary, post box, children cabinets, anecdotal records, child portfolios, Theatre arts)
7. Implementation of READ, ENJOY AND DEVELOP (READ) programme (Setting up of Children libraries in the school/class, Reading period in the time table, use of children literature for language teaching, procuring books, developing Reading culture among young children and teachers)
8. Conduct of Children Talent Search activities in the Schools (Celebration of Important
International and National Events)
9. Every MRG and Teacher must go through the Concept Road Map of Quality Education and Road Map of School to under stand the parameters of quality education to implement them in the class room process.
10. Teachers and HMs should be aware of their performance indicators (Teachers, HMs) which may be displayed in the staff room. Accordingly HM has to review the performance of teachers and School Complex HM has to review performance of School HM.
11. One Register note book has to be maintained for documentation of best and innovative practices in the school.
12. The best practices and innovations of the schools could be shared in the staff meetings and SMC meetings. These successful practices could find place in School complex meetings also in the form of sharing of experiences.
13. Students and Teachers reflections shall be noted in the day wise lesson plan/ Teacher dairy

The Following events and Items should be strictly implemented by Head Master &amp; MRG and Teacher in the Schools.
1. Formation of Children Right clubs in every school
2. Display of toll free No. of Child Rights Cell in every school at prominence place.Toll free No. 18004253525
3. Instructions to the Teachers, HMs to be very sensitive to the issues of discriminatory and exclusiveness practices in the schools and take corective steps to halt these practices occur in visible form and in invisible form.
4. Any type of violation of Child Rights and discrimiatory practices occur at the school level should be viewed seriously and shall be accorded top priority in taking necessary action. The action taken reports should be promptly intimated to the next higher level authority.
5. Respect of child Rights, protection of child Rights, Inclusive Education practices should become the culture of the School.
6. The schools should create an enabling environment for teaching and learning as the basis for sustainable development of every child.
7. The inclusive values such as Equality, rights, participation, respect for non violence, trust, compassion, honesty, courage, joy, love, hope, wisdom should find place in the school system.
8. Declare the Schools as Punishment free zone area
9. Sensitization of SMCs and Parents on Child rights and on Discriminatory, Exclusiveness practices prevailed in the society and its fallout on Schools.
10. Sharing and sensitization of Teachers professional organizations, civil societies, and community based organizations on Inclusive Educational practices and on issues of Child Rights.
11. Schools should spread the messages such as
- Respect Difference
- Celebrate Diversity and Embrace Equality
- Dont Hate or Discriminate
- Every child is capable of learning
- Appreciate diversity
- To learn to live together

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