Friday, 17 November 2017

All India School Quiz 2017 for 9th to 12th class students

All India school quiz for class 9-12th students,ECI National Quiz 2017,CEO AP TELANGANA all India school quiz for school Students, ECI India national quiz for school Students, state zonal district level all India school quiz for class 9-12th students

The Quiz shall entail 5 rounds.
  1. The Intra School Round within the School shall select the Team (optional - alternatively School may nominate the Team)
  2. the District Round at the District HQs shall be conducted by DEO's office for selecting the School Team representing the District at the State level the State Round at the state HQs shall be conducted by CEO's office for selecting the School Team representing the State at the Zonal level the Semi Finals and Final shall be conducted at New Delhi under the supervision of ECI. Some States/UTs shall be clubbed together for the State Round, the same shall be informed in subsequent circular.
  3.  The detailed structure of the Quiz is given in the Annexure.

Tentative Timeline
  1. Intra-School Round (1-10th November)
  2. District Round (11-17th November)
  3. State Round (20-25th November)
  4. Semi Finals and Grand Finale shoot (11th -17th December)
  5. (18th December onwards: Post-Production Work)

CEOs and DEOs may immediately set up Committees to steer the entire exercise of conduct of Quiz. The task of inviting Schools and setting up of Test Evaluating Teams may also be initiated by the QEOs. The CEO and DEO and the tentative timelines are given in the Annexure. It may be noted that the District Round and the State Round shall be an outreach event as well and accordingly these may be well publicized. Necessary directions may be given to the DEOs on these lines

Aim:  Engage the young students in the age-group of 14-17 years - the future voters, in a self-learning exercise about the electoral process so as to build an aware and informed electorate in near future.
Background: The theme for NVD 2017 was 'empowering young and future voters' and the year focused upon future voters in the age-group of 14-17 years - the future voters. Interactive School Engagement was launched in two phases in January /July to promote electoral literacy among the students. The National Quiz for Schools is a part of the same outreach targeting school students in class IX-XII. Televising the Quiz in an interactive and interesting manner, aims at reaching out to young people falling outside schools /formal educational system.
Intra-School Round (Format: Subject to the decision of the school)
To be conducted within the ambit of and by the schools.
Model content (including questions/answers set) would be shared by ECI through the DEO.
School Winners (team of 2 participants) qualify for the District Round and represent the School
Please Note: DEOs to encourage participation of girls schools and also representation of girls from co-educational schools

District Round- (Format: Written- Questionnaire/Key)
  1. The District Election Officer (DEO) is in-charge of and would preside over this Round
  2. Content (questions /answers set) would shared by ECI through the CEO. The questionnaires furnished would have in-built provision for tie-breakers.
  3. District Winners (School team) qualify for the State Round.
  4. Based on the number of Schools confirming their participation, DEO shall constitute an evaluating team comprising sufficient memhers(prefernbly from . cluc:Htion department] so that the evaluation is done on the same day. The District results should be announced on the same day as the written test.
  5. DEO's office shall identify the venue/s for the Round in advance and inform the participating Schools
  6. The Test Day would also be a day for engagement and outreach to the target audience i.e. the participating students. Accordingly officials may interact with the participants, distribute merchandise and engage with them. The event may be duly publicized and documented.
  7. The logistics(travel and accommodation) for the Winning Team representing the District in the State Round shall be borne by the concerned DEO

State Round - (Format: Written OMR Test):
  1. The Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) is in-charge of and would preside over this Round. The CEO would be supported by an Agency representative during the conduct of the Quiz.
  2. Content (including promotion and questions set in OMR format) would be rendered by the Agency. The questionnaires would have in-built provision for tie-breakers
  3. State Winners (School Team) qualify for the National Semi-Finals. In all, across nation, 30 teams/State Round winners would qualify for the National Semi Finals
  4. CEO's office shall identify the venue/s for the State Round in advance and inform the DEO's office.
  5. The Test Day would also be a day for engagement and outreach to the target audience i.e. the participating students. Accordingly officials may interact with the participants, distribute merchandise and engage with item. The event may be duly publicized and documented
  6. One representative from the Agency shall assist the CEO's team during the conduct of the State Round. The local transportation and accommodation facility for the Agency representative for up to 2N/3D shall be extended by the office of the CEO. This however shall not mean re-imbursement of any expense incurred by the agency representative.
  7. The logistics (travel and accommodation) for the Winning Team representing the State in the Semi Finals/Final shall be borne by the concerned CEO.
  8. Semi Finals and Final would be on-stage round that would be shot in a Studio at New Delhi and produced for national telecast. This shall be conducted under the overall supervision of ECJ. 

Responsibilities of the Chief Electoral Officer
  1. Set up a State level Committee to steer the entire exercise of conduct of Quiz in the state.
  2. Coordinate and overall supervise the District Rounds of the Quiz.
  3. Reserve centres/venues for the State Round in the capital and arrange related logistics.
  4. Organize and preside over the State Round
  5. Coordinate with the Agency representative for the State Round Quiz evaluation.
  6. Arrange the travel and accommodation of winners of the State Round and accompanying teacher-in-charge for the Semi-Finals/National Final in New Delhi
  7. Produce and provide T-shirts/merchandise to the participating students.
  8. Felicitate the State winning team suitably at State level or during NVD function at State HQ.
  9. Arrange A/V shoot of the State Round and get the raw footage from District Rounds and furnish to the Agency.

Responsibilities of the District Election Officer:
  1. Shall set up a committee to steer the District Quiz.
  2. Invite schools for participating in the Quiz
  3. Share questionnaire/key to schools for the Intra-School Round
  4. Accept list of teams from each school within ttle district
  5. Constitute a Team for evaluating the test papers. (A shall be provided by ECI)
  6. Organize, preside and evaluate the District Round and declare the winners on the same day as the Quiz.
  7. A/V shoot of the District Round and supplying raw footage to the Agency
  8. Forward name of members of District School Winning Team to the CEO for the State Round
  9. Arrange Travel and accommodation for the participants from the concerned district to the city selected for the State Round.
  10. Produce and provide T-shirts/merchandise to the participating students.
  11. Felicitate the District winning team suitably at District Level or during NVD function at District HQ. More prizes may be given to encourage participation.
  12. Promote and publicize the District Round in specific and the National Quiz in general on official social media handles (as per ECJ specifications).
  13. Promote and publicize the District Round in specific and National Quiz in general within the am bit of the concerned district

National Telecast
  1. 30th December, 2017 (Saturday): National telecast of Semi Final 1(Episode1)
  2. 31st December, 2017 (Sunday): National telecast of Semi Final 2 (Episode 2)
  3. 6th January, 2018 (Saturday): National telecast of Semi Final 3 (Episode 3)
  4. 7th January, 2018 (Sunday): National telecast of Semi Final 4 (Episode 4)
  5. 13th January, 2018 (Saturday): National telecast of Semi Final 5 (Episode 5)
  6. 14th Ianuary, 2018 (Sunday): National telecast of Semi Final 6 (Episode 6)
  7. 21st January, 2018 (Sunday): National Telecast of the Grand Finale (Episode 7)


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