Telugu Videos about Corona Virus(COVID-19) Explained in Telugu
in 2003 due to SARS virus 774 people died in world.
in 2014 due to MARS virus total 858 died in world.
2019 December Corona virus started again. WHO named this virus as 2019 Novel Corona Virus (2019nCoV).
This Virus will attack on Healthy Cells. Corona is a bit family. This kind of virus can be seen in animals like snakes, rats, Crocodiles, Pigs etc.
Symptoms: Cold, Cough, Fever
This virus will enter the body through Nose, Mouth and Eyes. Human white blood cell will fight with Corona Virus in the body and they will try to eliminate the virus. During this process we will get cough cold. Which coughing this virus will be ejected from month. The Corona Virus finds a host cell in the respiratory system first and it will show its bad ipact on the host cell. The host cell then bursts and infects other cells nearby it.
The Novel Corona virus is transmitted between humans in droplets from coughing and sneezing and touching or shaking hands. Most of the victims of the virus die from complications including pneumonia and swelling in the lungs. The virus also causes swelling in the respiratory system, which can make us hard for the lungs to pass oxygen in the bloodstream - leading to organ failure and death.
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