Wednesday, 29 April 2020

TS DEECET(TS DIETCET) Application online submission admission in D.El.Ed and DPSE (TTC Course/DIET) - Step by Step process How to Apply at

TS DEECET(TS DIETCET) Application online submission admission in D.El.Ed  and DPSE (TTC Course/DIET) - Step by Step process How to Apply at

TTC Course (DIET) admission entrance test notification which is known as TS DEECET is released and online application is made available in its official website of Telangana School Education Department

Candidates who desire to become teachers and would like to join Teacher Training (TTC course) in District Institute for Education and Training (DIET) are district-level educational institutes which have been established in each district of India by the Indian government, they are requested to fill the online applications made available in the official website.

The candidates have make them self ready will all the relevant certificates related to the minimum qualification and they should satisfy the eligibility criteria mentioned in the notification. TS DEECET exam dates and online application schedule is released by the convener of TS DEECET.

The convener of TS DEECET Exam has made an arrangement to facilitate the online application submission in the official website of Telangana School Education Department. Candidate have to apply online to appear the TS DEECET examination will have to fill online application by paying the fees mentioned by the conducting authorities.

They have to keep all certificates and details of online application ready before login to the online website.

Submission of Online Applications by the candidates for TS DEECET Entrance Test.  In Telangana, TS DEECET Notification released on March 11th, 2020.

The Detailed Schedule for conduct of TS DEECET Entrance Test

Online Application start from 13-03-2020
Last date for submission of TS DEECET application in online is further extended up to 15-05-2020 Due to COVID-19 Pandemic.

TS DEECET Application Fees

The fee towards submission of application online and for appearing at the TS DEECET online is Rs.450/-. Candidates shall pay the fee through the Payment Gateway provided on from 13.03.2020 till the last date and submit online application at the TS DEECET website

TS DEECET(TS DIETCET) Application online submission admission in D.El.Ed  and DPSE (TTC Course/DIET) - Step by Step process How to Apply at

Test Centers of TS DEECET

The TS DEECET shall be conducted ‘ONLINE’ in the 10 erstwhile districts on the dates to be notified shortly. Candidates may give the preferential order of the centers.
However, allotment of centers shall be the discretion of the department and request for change of test centers or sessions is not allowed under any circumstances.

Examination Question paper pattern of TS DEECET

Question Paper Pattern for Telugu Medium

PartTopicsNo of QuestionsMarks
IGeneral Knowledge and Teaching Aptitude1010
IIGeneral English1010
General Telugu2020
Physics Sciences1010
Biological Sciences1010
Social Studies2020

The above table shows the distribution of marks among the 3 parts of the Question Paper

Question Paper Pattern for Urdu Medium

PartTopicsNo of QuestionsMarks
IGeneral Knowledge and Teaching Aptitude1010
IIGeneral English1010
General Urdu2020
Physics Sciences1010
Biological Sciences1010
Social Studies2020
The above table shows the distribution of marks among the 3 parts of the Question Paper

Question Paper Pattern for English Medium

PartTopicsNo of QuestionsMarks
IGeneral Knowledge and Teaching Aptitude1010
IIGeneral English1010
General Telugu / Urdu (as opted by the candidate)2020
Physics Sciences1010
Biological Sciences1010
Social Studies2020

The above table shows the distribution of marks among the 3 parts of the Question Paper

General Instructions of TS DEECET

(a) TS DEECET 2020 shall be conducted ‘ONLINE’, as per the medium opted by the candidate, in multiple sessions on the dates to be notified shortly.

(b) In case of candidates opting for English Medium, the Part II (b) of the Question Paper shall be either Telugu or Urdu as opted by the candidate in the online application.
(c) The subject and syllabi of the Part III of the test shall be of the standard of Class X
(d) The Question paper Medium shall be the same as the Medium of D.El.Ed. opted for and for the D.P.S.E. course only English Medium opted students are eligible.
(e) The candidates who obtain qualifying marks as given at 5 (C) above shall only be assigned ranks as per order of merit. In case of SC and ST all the candidates shall be assigned rank as per the order of merit.
(f) TSDEECET 2020 is conducted ‘ONLINE’. Hence, requests for re-access, re-totaling and re-valuation of the question paper will not be entertained.
(g) Instructions regarding modalities of online exam and Model Question Paper for practice by the candidates shall be made available on the website

How to apply online application of TS DEECET

The candidates shall first download the Information Bulletin free of cost from the website go through it carefully and satisfy their eligibility for appearing for DEECET.

Step-1: Application Fee Payment: Candidate can make Online Fee Payment through this option. Step-2: Payment Status: Candidate can check Success/Failure status of Fee Payment
Step-3: Fill Application Form: After fee payment by Debit/Credit/Net Banking modes, Candidate should fill in the Application through this option.
Step-4: Print Application Form: After application form submission, candidate can print the submitted form.
Step-5: Forgot Application Number: Candidates can get their Application number in case of lost/forgotten.

The candidate after satisfying herself/himself about the eligibility criteria for DEECET shall pay a fee of Rs.450/- through TS ONLINE between the dates mentioned as per the schedule for submission of application Online. At the DEECET website Centers, the candidate has to give the required preliminary data (i.e. Name of the candidate, Date of birth, Gender and mobile phone number). On receipt of fee at DEECET website the candidate shall be issued a Payment Reference ID with which she/he can proceed with submission of application online. Issue of Payment Reference ID does not mean that the candidate has completed submission of application online. It is only a confirmation of the fee received.  

The candidates shall follow the procedure of submission of online application as given in the Information Bulletin and also as per the instructions provided online while filling up the online application form. The Candidate should be ready with photograph of size up to 50 kb and candidate signature up to 30 kb before filling in on-line application.

Step-1: Application Fee Payment for TS DEECET

Click on the Application Fee Payment field as shown encircled below. A new page will appear on the screen.
After clicking on Application Fee Payment button, the following Payment Verification web page will appear.
Fill in all the details in the respective field s and Click on the encircled button Proceed to Payment.
Below Screen showing Application form to be filled for Candidates applied through TS DEECET Web Site.
Fill in ALL the mandatory details given in the above web page. The details are Qualifying Exam Hall Ticket Number, Candidate Name, Date of Birth, Name of the Course, Mobile Number, Mobile Number Mentioned Above Is My and select the Payment Mode.

After entering the correct and mandatory details the web page of Payment through Credit Card / Debit Card/Net Banking web page given below, select the card type (VISA or Master Card or Maestro) mentioned on the card and click the encircled button Make Payment. Be ready with the Card Related Details (Card number, Expiry date / from date, Security Code / CVV number etc). Payment gateway page is shown below for ref. After clicking the Proceed to Payment button, the following “Payment” web page will appear.

(NOTE: During the Payment process, DO NOT double clicks on buttons or clicks on Back / Refresh button or DO NOT close the Browser web page abruptly.)

Note: The Candidate can use any Bank Card (Debit / Credit/ Net Banking) provided it is either VISA or MASTER CARD or MAESTRO type.For example, the candidate may possess a State Bank of India Debit Card / Credit Card/Net Banking or Andhra Bank Debit Card / Credit Card/Net Banking or ANY Bank Debit Card / Credit Card/Net Banking and the candidate has to identify what is the Card Type logo on his / her card as given below:

After the relevant Card Type logo is selected by the candidate, click on the button Make Payment and the control will automatically take you to the BANK PAYMENT GATEWAY screen.
For example, after filling the mandatory details the control will lead you to the BANK PAYMENT GATEWAY web page and click on “Make Payment” button as shown above.

The confirmation of successful payment of Registration Fee is shown with the Transaction is successful item in the below web page “Payment Status” along with Payment Id.

To fill the Online Application Form, click on Proceed to Fill Application

Step 2: Know Your Payment Status

After completion of Application Fee Payment, Candidate can check the Status of the Payment using below tab.
By clicking on Know Your Payment Status tab, the following screen will be displayed. Enter Mobile Number then click on Check Payment Status button for checking the status of the payment as shown.

By clicking on Check Your Payment button, the following Status of the Payment screen will be displayed.
Candidate has two options either to proceed to fill in the application immediately or at a later date. Click on “Proceed to Fill Application” to fill the application immediately and you will be taken to the Application screen as described in Step 3. If you choose another day to fill the application, simply close the window and in such case you need to start from Step3.
In some rare case, if the amount is deducted from your account and message of “Transaction is successful” or the payment reference ID is not displayed, wait for few hours and check your payment status as described in Step 2.
Otherwise pay the registration fee again as in Step 1. The amount deducted from your account made in the first attempt will be refunded or rolled back into your account.

Step 3: Fill Application Form for TS DEECET

Click on Fill Application Form tab in home page, the following screen will be displayed.
After clicking on Fill Application Form tab in home page, the following page will be displayed.
Enter Payment reference ID, Mobile Number, Date of Birth and click on Proceed to Fill Application button as shown in the screen below.
After clicking on Fill Application Form tab, TS DEECET application form will be displayed as shown in the screen below.
Fill in all the mandatory details and click on Submit/Preview button.

Save and Preview/Submit
After furnishing ALL the required data and correct particulars, read the declaration at the end of the page and select the check box if you are done with Online Application Form filling. Then, click on save to save the data as shown in the screen below.

If you are sure of the data entered, you can Preview/submit the online application.

Further, the same will be displayed at the bottom of the page. If all the details are furnished, then the screen will change to the next page after the Submit button is clicked.
Modify and Confirm/Freeze Once the online application is Submitted, two more buttons pop up MODIFY and CONFIRM/FREEZE.
By clicking on Confirm/Freeze button, candidate can view pop up alert as “Your application confirmed successfully. Please note your Registration Number for further correspondence”. Candidate can take print application by clicking on Print Application button which is useful for further correspondence.
By Clicking on Print Application, candidate can view the Receipt of the Application form as shown in the screen below.

Step 4: Print Application Form

Later, if the candidate wishes to take the print out of the same page again, he/she can visit (home page) and click on encircled item Print Your Filled in Application Form as below.
After clicking on Print Your Filled in Application Form button, the following web page will appear. Enter all the mandatory details in respective fields and then click on Get Application Details as shown below.
By clicking on Get Application Details button, the following “Receipt” page will appear.

Step 5: Forgot Application Number

Candidates can get their Application Number in case of lost/forgotten by using this option.
Click on Forgot Application Number tab in home page, the following screen will be displayed.
After clicking on Forgot Application Number tab, the following “Forgot Registration Form” web page will appear.
Enter all the mandatory fields and click on Get Registration Number as shown in the screen below.
Candidate’s registration number will display by clicking on Get Registration Number button as shown in the screen below.

TS DEECET Fees Payment and Online Application

User Guide on How to Submit TS DEECET Online Application

Download TSDEECET Notification


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